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At First Super, we offer members Death, TPD and Income Protection insurance in partnership with our insurer, MetLife. There are a range of factors that come into play when determining what premiums (or rates) members should pay for their cover. One of these factors is the job you do. To make it easier for members […]

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How we invest for you

At First Super, we aim to get you the best results over the long term. So when you’re ready to retire, your super’s ready too. For our pension members, we know consistency is important, so you can plan your spending for your retirement lifestyle. Our focus is on striking the right balance between growing your […]

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We know it’s not nice to think about, but it’s important to make sure you’ve signed the right paperwork telling us who you want to receive your super balance and any insurance benefits if you pass away. You can tell us your wishes in any one of the following ways. Set up a reversionary beneficiary […]

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As we kick off a new financial year, it’s a good time to look ahead and consider what’s in the pipeline for super. Are there any changes on the horizon that could affect you or benefit your balance?   Below, we’ve summarised key changes for super that occurred on 1 July 2021 or are planned.  MORE SUPER FOR WORKERS   On 1 […]

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On 1 July 2021, the amount you can contribute to super each financial year increased by 10%.   That’s because the Government lifted the contribution cap limits on concessional (before-tax) and non-concessional (after-tax) contributions.   Here are the new caps, effective 1 July this year.   Contribution caps 2020/21 (previous FY) 2021/22 (current FY) Concessional (before-tax) contribution cap […]

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Saving for a first home deposit is challenging.  Now that we’ve stated the obvious, what can you do about it?   You might be surprised to learn that over the last few years the Government has made some changes to super so first-time buyers can save faster for a home using their super account.  While this sounds great […]

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Housing affordability is an ongoing concern for many Australians, and a hotly debated topic both socially and politically.  First-home buyers are faced with the very real challenge of saving a home deposit in a low interest rate and low real-wage growth environment. The prospect of saving a 20% deposit (the minimum amount required to avoid […]

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The 2021-22 Federal Budget has been handed down, with several changes to super and retirement being announced. Most were adjustments to existing rules, rather than sweeping changes. We’ve summarised the key points for members below. FIRST HOME BUYERS CAN SAVE EVEN MORE OF THEIR DEPOSIT IN SUPER UNDER THE FIRST HOME SUPER SAVER SCHEME.  The current situation: Eligible first home […]