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Employer super responsibilities

Super responsibilities for employers

As an employer, you are required to pay superannuation to your employees to help them save for retirement. We’re here to help you meet your legal responsibilities and keep you up to date with the latest changes to super. We keep it simple so you can stay focused on your business.

Paying Super Guarantee contributions

As an employer, you are responsible for paying your employees’ superannuation. This is known as the super guarantee (SG). This is 11.5% of an employee’s ordinary time earnings (OTE). This amount will increase on 1 July 2025 to 12%.

When to pay SG contributions

You can pay SG contributions fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly. If paying quarterly, you need to be aware of SG payment dates and deadlines to avoid late payment fines. Read more about the deadlines and future changes to SG payments.

Rules with new staff and Choice of fund

It’s important to provide new employees with the Choice of Fund form so they can nominate which super fund they’d like their SG paid to. Read on about managing new employees, stapling, tax file numbers and more.

Select a compliant default fund

Regardless of your size, if your business employs staff, you need to have a nominated default fund. A default fund is a super fund that you choose; one which can support your business’s needs and best manage your employees’ superannuation needs. Learn more about selecting a compliant default fund.

Super for the self-employed

Many people are self-employed sole traders or partners. In these cases, there are two ways to pay yourself super: a regular transfer from your before-tax income or a lump sum. Discover what’s appropriate for you.

Use a compliant online payment system

All SG payments must be made through a compliant online payment system, called a clearing house. First Super’s clearing house is free to all registered businesses, meaning you can manage super payments for all your employees regardless of where their super is.

Register with First Super

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Business Development Manager Lee Surace shaking hands with a First Super employer